Bike Clubs in London

London has experienced a significant cycling evolution, transitioning from the Victorian-era novelty of penny-farthings to a modern city embracing bicycles as a sustainable and popular mode of transport. This shift, marked by the introduction of cycling infrastructure like dedicated bike lanes and public bicycle hire schemes, reflects London's growing commitment to eco-friendly transportation and a healthier, more active lifestyle.

United Kingdom
Kingston Wheelers

Kingston Wheelers

The Kingston Wheelers, founded in 1924, are one of London’s biggest and friendliest cycling clubs, catering for cyclists of all levels.

United Kingdom
Virtual Cycling Club

Virtual Cycling Club

Virtual Cycling Club is a cycling club made up from a dynamic group of riders. We love the sport and enjoy coming out together to ride.

United Kingdom
Velosport Cycling Club

Velosport Cycling Club

Velosport Cycling Club is a cycling club made up from a dynamic group of riders. We love the sport and enjoy coming out together to ride.

United Kingdom


VCJ is a cycling club made up from a dynamic group of riders. We love the sport and enjoy coming out together to ride.

United Kingdom
Twickenham Cycling Club

Twickenham Cycling Club

Twickenham Cycling Club is an inclusive, welcoming, friendly, and well-established club – we’ve been going since 1893.

United Kingdom
VC Londres

VC Londres

VC Londres is a cycling club made up from a dynamic group of riders. We love the sport and enjoy coming out together to ride.


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11 Jan 2022
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11 Jan 2022
5 min read

History of Cycling in London

The history of cycling in London is a fascinating journey through time, reflecting the city's evolving transport needs, cultural shifts, and technological advancements.

19th Century: The Emergence of Cycling

  • Early Beginnings: Cycling in London began in the early 19th century with the advent of the "hobby-horse," a rudimentary two-wheeled vehicle propelled by the rider's feet.
  • 1860s - Penny-Farthings: The introduction of the penny-farthing in the 1860s marked a significant moment in cycling history. These high-wheeled bicycles became a symbol of the Victorian era, popular among the adventurous and affluent classes in London.

20th Century: Mass Popularity and Decline

  • Early 1900s - Cycling Boom: The early 20th century saw a cycling boom, driven by the affordability of bicycles and the desire for independent mobility. Cycling clubs flourished, and bicycles became a common sight on London's streets.
  • Post-WWII Decline: After World War II, the popularity of cycling declined in the face of increasing motor vehicle traffic and urban development. London's infrastructure became more car-centric, making cycling less safe and appealing.

Late 20th Century: Cycling Resurgence

  • 1970s-1980s - Environmental Awareness: A resurgence in cycling interest occurred in the late 20th century, spurred by environmental concerns and a growing fitness culture. Londoners began to see bicycles as a sustainable and healthy transport option.
  • Cycling Advocacy: The formation of cycling advocacy groups played a crucial role in promoting cycling. These groups lobbied for better cycling infrastructure and safety measures.

21st Century: A Cycling Revolution

  • 2000s - Infrastructure Improvements: The new millennium saw significant improvements in cycling infrastructure in London. The introduction of cycling superhighways and dedicated bike lanes made cycling safer and more accessible.
  • Boris Bikes: In 2010, London introduced the public bicycle hire scheme, popularly known as "Boris Bikes" (after then-Mayor Boris Johnson). This scheme significantly boosted the visibility and accessibility of cycling in the city.
  • Increased Popularity: Cycling's popularity continued to grow, with more Londoners taking to bikes for commuting, leisure, and exercise. Events like RideLondon further promoted cycling culture.

Challenges and Future

  • Safety and Infrastructure Challenges: Despite improvements, safety and infrastructure challenges persist. London continues to develop strategies to make cycling safer and more integrated with other forms of transport.
  • Future Outlook: The future of cycling in London looks promising, with ongoing efforts to enhance cycling infrastructure, promote eco-friendly transport, and foster a culture of cycling among all age groups.

This brief history showcases how cycling in London has evolved from a leisure activity for the few to an essential mode of transport for many, reflecting broader societal changes and priorities.